Transformations –

We work with driven individuals to make them evolve quickly and continuously, getting them to the next league of their life.
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Shikha Sharma - Editor

“I have started valuing myself….open to new possibilities…becoming free and strong”

Something has changed within me; you have filled up the missing pieces of my puzzle. I have started to see myself as a person and valuing myself which is very new for me. I am open to new possibilities of moving to a different job or city and surprisingly I am not afraid about it. I am in the direction of becoming a free, calm and strong Shikha.


Garima Chugh - Educator

“I gained my lost self-confidence & cracked the interview at a reputed organization”

Yes, rejection is hard and sometimes truly crushing. I also felt the same when I was struggling to start my career. After so many rejections and failure at the interviews, I felt there is something wrong with me. I started paying attention to what people were saying- be it my height or the way I carry myself as the obstacle to get a job.

Pallavi helped me to overcome this challenge. The heaviness and burden that I was carrying with was lifted. All of this acted as a panacea to gain my lost self confidence and WOW! Few days after that session I cracked the interview and got the job in a reputed organisation.


Thankam Kumaran - Singer & Composer

”I am surprised to see my growth and capabilities. It feels quite enthralling to learn so much faster while experiencing bliss in my relationships”

I could let go of the anger issues and painful memories. I am making the right decisions now in terms of my learning and finding solutions to challenges, simultaneously working to make my relationships stronger. I am now more focused, have a clear vision and most importantly certain about reaching my goal to excel in music. I am able to take concrete actions and learn much faster. People have started complimenting me that I have become “a wiser person” and “determined”. Sometimes, I am surprised to see my growth and capabilities. It feels quite enthralling to learn so much faster.


Sudip Dey - Writer & Editor

“I came out of the ‘prolonged depressive’ state and have become the person who confidently expresses himself in work & relationships”

After the sessions, I started feeling relieved. Everything started falling at place. It might sound like boasting, but it’s true that after the change work, I could come out of that depressing phase. I became hopeful and got control on my mind. All my irrelevant anger and hatred calmed down. I cracked an interview and got into a good job where I am working while writing this feedback.

Thanks Pallavi for being a supportive and sensitive healer.


Vandana - Teacher

“Bitter experiences eliminated…future road map built…”

Bitter events and experiences of my past life were holding me back. My mind was always occupied with negative thoughts and experiences. It had led to bitterness in me.

The sessions with Pallavi proved to be a complete eye opener and really helped me to remove those negative thoughts and eliminate those bitter experiences from my mind. She helped me build a roadmap that gave me directions to move forward. She led me into re-patterning my thought process. It was a complete revitalizing experience with tangible results. She helped me retain my focus and brought about the desired positive changes in me.


Sanya Anand - Student

“My scores in Maths went from C2 to A1….overall results improved….became an outstanding student”

My mom brought me to Pallavi mam. I found drastic change in me. I could learn and remember things easily. I started enjoying Maths and scored A1 grade in my final term. My score improved drastically in other subjects as well like Science.

This has enhanced my self-worth and confidence. I started feeling more inspired, motivated and organized to become better in my studies. I have made friends with other top performers in my class. It makes me really happy to know that my teachers have recognised my potential. I don’t feel alone anymore. My parents are so happy with me. I have become a motivated learner they say.


Nikita Sahni - School Principal

“I am so energetic all the time and that helps me in doing what I need to do to accomplish my goals”

I used to feel very tired all the time even after sleeping for good number of hours and thought I was overworked.

After Pallavi did change work on me, I feel “O! did I ever complain about my fatigue”. I am so energetic all the time and that helps me in doing what I need to do to accomplish my goals.


Jaya Bhasin - Teacher

“The word fear is OUT of my mind!”

I had a constant fear that somebody is standing behind me when I’d be alone at home. After the first session itself, that day, I made tea on my own in the kitchen without any scary feeling. The word fear is out of my mind and I a relaxed and comfortably do my work.

Pallavi worked on my fear so well that even in late evenings also I can stay at home comfortably (previously I could not stay even in afternoons or stuck at one place for so long). Now I freely move in the whole house relaxed with NO FEAR.

Thank u so much Pallavi for helping me overcoming my problem and making my life “fearless, happy and carefree.”